Wohooo I can't believe this I swear It is so awesome for me I meet with four proffesional journalist Indonesia.. I see them and I feel so fly when I saw them in front of me and so close to me. Is it dream? Yes it is dream! Dream come true exactly *laugh* *jump to the sky* *striptis dance*
Today be so amazing day coz I and my friends join to big project come from my college. The project is make a magazine. It is not just ordinary magazine but it's awesomeful magazine coz inside every uniquely thing you can got from this.. I join and know this project from my bff ranger black and ranger white they're wrote my name on this project so I be grateful thanks for my two best friend muaccch muacch :-x
And I'm shock when I come to meeting room, I saw four really exactly four famous profesional journalist Indonesia. I think it's impossible that I work with them coz they're so special and so proffesional than me. But exactly they never think like I think.. They're very welcome to teach us junior journalist. Auww it is so coool man!! I wanna hug them XDDDD
Every minute, every scene I enjoyed that because finally I can meet proffesional journalist and share they knowledge to me and to us.. Ohh I can't wait I wanna be like them to be a proffesional to be hero from zero..
I pray and I wish I could be use my knowledge and my skill for people around me and my country of course aminn.. And I proud with my choice to be a journalist. Hidup semangat jurnalis Indonesiaaaaa !!
No Rude Words, Please ^^