Hello there, From this week I wanna start to translate a story from Indonesia to English version. This is a part of my exercise. I hope you're not annoyed with my worse grammar (LOL xD). Ok, let's start!
This narration came from www.kelasindonesia.com. Now, I am trying to translate
Perang Surabaya
Pada tanggal 10 November meletuslah sebuah perlawanan rakyat di Surabaya untuk mengusir Belanda dan para sekutunya dari tanah air. Perang ini berawal dari kemarahan tentara inggris akibat dari terbunuhnya pimpinan mereka, Brigadir Jenderal Mallaby. Akibat tewasnya pimpinan mereka pihak Inggris dan sekutunya memberikan sebuah ultimatum kepada seluruh pejuang yang da di Surabaya waktu itu untuk menyerah.
Bukannya menyerah, ultimatum tersebut malah dianggap sebuah penghinaan oleh para pejuang dan rakyat. Mereka membentuk sebuah milisi-milisi perjuangan untuk menghadapi piahk Inggris yang mengancam untuk menyerang.
Mengetahui utimatumnya ditolak, pihak Inggris dan sekutunya marah besar, kemudian pada 10 November pagi mereka melancarkan serangan besar-besaran melalui laut, darat dan udara dengan mengerahkan sekitar 30.000 infanteri, sejumlah pesawat terbang, tank dan kapal perang. Kota Surabaya diserang habis-habisan oleh pihak sekutu. Mereka mengebom gedung-gedung pemerintahan dan membunuh para pejuang. Kejadian waktu itu sangatlah mengerikan, pembunuhan terjadi di mana-mana dan membuat para pejuang terdesak.
Namun, diluar dugaan rencana mereka untuk menaklukan kota Surabaya dalam 3 hari gagal. Seluruh pejuang dan rakyat Surabaya turun ke jalan untuk melakukan perlawanan. Semangat juang para pahlawan waktu itu muncul berkat seorang pemuda yang bernama Bung Tomo, dia dengan gagah berani memekikan pidato untuk membakar seluruh semangat para pejuang.
Pertempuran Surabaya berlangsung sekitar 3 minggu dan dimenangkan oleh pihak sekutu. Meskipun kota Surabaya jatuh ketangan sekutu, perlawanan rakyat Surabya waktu itu membangkitkan semangat juang seluruh rakyat Indonesia.
War of Surabaya
Once upon a time on Nov 10th, there is an against of Surabaya people to chase away Netherland army and their alliance from Indonesia. Beginning of this war is because England army was mad about their leader death, Brigadier Mallaby. Because of that reason, England sides and their alliance gave an ultimatum to all Surabaya warrior at that time to give up without hesitation.
But the warrior no gives up easily, that ultimatum believed as the indignity to all Surabaya peoples, and then all warriors build militia to against England army that threatening will attack to Surabaya people.
England army detected that ultimatum had ignored. They are very mad about this, and then at November 10th in the morning, they are doing big attack by sea, land, and air. Around 30.000 persons, some of the airplane, tank, and ship war have launched to Indonesia.
Surabaya has attacked by the alliance of England. They have bombed all government buildings and all warriors have been killed. That incident is very horrible to remember. Homicide is going everywhere on every side of town, it makes the warriors oppressed
But, out of expected, the plan of England army to destroy Surabaya on three days have failed. All Surabaya warriors and people participated to fighting back! Their spirit came from a young talented man named Bung Tomo.
War of Surabaya continues for three weeks and this war wins by the alliance. Although Surabaya fell down to the alliance, but attacks of Surabaya people on that day reminds us of the spirit of Indonesian people.
War of Surabaya continues for three weeks and this war wins by the alliance. Although Surabaya fell down to the alliance hands, attacks of Surabaya people on that day reminds us of the spirit of Indonesian people.
Any correction guys? I hope your critics :)
No Rude Words, Please ^^